Relentlessly Practical AI Education

DataRobot is committed to educating users to effectively solve problems. DataRobot University provides a variety of options. You can select the type of training that works best for you.

DataRobot University

No matter your role or skill level, our educational programs help you along your journey to make smart decisions using DataRobot. Choose from role-based learning paths that include instructor-led or self-paced courses, labs, and more. This education enables you to become your company’s certified expert.

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Learning Path

Our learning paths guide you through our curriculum to get you started quickly. We have learning paths based on skill-level, role, and area of interest.

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On-Demand Courses & Labs

Learn DataRobot with our online, self-paced courses and our Lab courses which provide a chance to apply specific skills. Take a few now. Take a few later. Come back for a refresher anytime you need it.

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Live Training

If you prefer to learn DataRobot in a virtual classroom with an expert data scientist, you’re in the right place!

If you would like more information about DataRobot Education, email us
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Start your Education Journey